Wush Wush Natural, Colombia

Wush Wush Natural, Colombia

Fruity Pebbles, Cherry Compote, Meyer Lemon




San Augustin, Tolima


Ethiopian Wush Wush


1,900 meters


Natural Process & a 48 Hour Anaerobic Fermentation


A Exciting Ethiopian-born varietal grown in southern Colombian coffeelands. The processing of this rare varietal was carried out with a 48-hour anaerobic fermentation in cherry before being depulped. It remained sealed during this entire process, maintained at a controlled temperature of 24 degrees celsius - prolonging the sugar development and enhancing the expression of complex fruit-forward flavor and acidity in the profile.


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Victor’s El Mirador farm is located in the San Augustin village at an altitude between 1650 and 1730 masl. Due to its location and the shade of trees such as Cambulos, Dormilon, Guamo and Gualandays, it provides the ideal agro-climatic conditions for producing, processing and drying coffee.

Victor is a producer, quality analyst, and coffee taster at ASOPEP, a co-op based in Planadas, Tolima. On several occasions he has participated as a judge in Cup of Excellence and in various regional cupping events, He has focused on developing protocols to produce process and varietal coffees with unique characteristics always achieving consistency and differentiation in their coffees.

ASOPEP is a long time favorite of our roaster - The Tolima region undoubtedly produces some of the greatest coffees in the world.